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Depending on the Kindness of Strangers and Friends Alike

I wanted to borrow an idea from another affiliate, a little "promotional" house they had set up in their local mall. I spent a few weeks kicking the idea around and finally decided to go ahead so I called the Executive Director of that affiliate. I asked her what the dimensions of her little house was so I could copy it. To my surprise she asked if I wanted to take theirs. I couldn't stammer out yes quick enough. Now we have that cute little house in our mall, sharing all the good news of our affiliate on its newly painted walls.

That got me to thinking about how Habitat affiliates are so successful in fulfilling their missions. Its as easy as counting on the goodness of people to come through with whatever is needed. More so in the infancy of our affiliate, when we had absolutely nothing and no way to get it except ask, than now. Throughout the entire Habitat for Humanity family affiliates are putting out the call for help in big and small ways. Those calls are being answered in remarkable ways.

Here at our affiliate, we are blessed to have friends who come through for us when the call goes out. With a simple phone call we are able to round up folks who are willing to bring out delicious and hearty food to our volunteers on workdays. With nothing more than a Facebook post we're able to round up a few extra hands to help with a wall raising but our biggest gifts are those regular volunteers who come out, rain or shine, to work side by side with our homeowners to build their houses.

We depend on the kindness of our friends and of strangers who quickly become friends as well as those who support our mission with their time, talent, and treasures. It is how we do what we do.

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