A Prayer for Houston
At North Platte Area Habitat for Humanity, we hold our boss, Habitat for Humanity CEO Jonathan Reckford in high regard. He is a very compassionate, caring gentlemen and has great passion for the mission of Habitat for Humanity.
Recently he shared with us a prayer for the families and victims of the horrific flooding from Hurricane Harvey in Houston. We felt it was worth sharing with our Habitat family.
Below this message is a statement he shared after the violence in Charlottesville that is certainly worth a read a read as well. We hope you will take the time to check it out.
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Dear Habitat family,
As predicted late last week, Hurricane Harvey has brought high winds, torrential rains, and death and destruction to the people of southeast Texas. And, unlike so many other storms, it has not moved through the area quickly but sits stalled, pouring more and more rain on residents and rescuers.
Within our own Habitat family, we have nearly 25 affiliates within the storm’s footprint. As they – and we – assess damage and make plans for the long recovery ahead after what will be catastrophic flooding, I want to share a prayer that provides me with some solace and comfort. Whatever words do that for you, these or others, I hope they are on your lips and in your heart as families struggle to weather this tragic storm.
Lord of all compassion We pray for all of those caught up in the midst of tragedy or disaster. For those who have lost life and those working to save life For those who are worried for people they love For those who will see their loved ones no longer Lord Have Mercy.
For those in need of the peace that passes all understanding For all who turn to you in the midst of turmoil For those who cry out to you in fear and in love Lord Have Mercy.
For those in confusion and those in despair For those whose tears are yet to dry For those in need of your unending love Lord Have Mercy.
Jonathan T. M. Reckford
jreckfordceo@habitat.org • habitat.org 270 Peachtree St. NW, Suite 1300, Atlanta, GA 30303-1263 Chief Executive Officer, Habitat for Humanity International
A Statement on the Violence in Charlottesville by Jonathon Reckford