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Boy, wouldn't that be great?

Last week I had an opportunity to run into an acquaintance of mine whom I hadn't seen in quite some time. We visited for a bit when she asked me how I was doing. I told her it had been an emotional roller coaster of a day. I explained that I had acquired several sponsors for our Milestone 5K, which thrilled me, I'd had to have a difficult conversation with someone, that didn't thrill me, but then at the end of the day I'd had a very generous donor come in and write us a check for $1,000. She gasped and said, "Boy wouldn't that be great?" She went on to explain that she wished she had the ability to make a nice big donation to a charity like that.

I told her that as much as we appreciate a donation like that and how much good it does, the ones that are just as important are the $25, $50, $75 or $100 donation someone like she could make because we know they are giving what they can.

"But, what can you really do with a $50 donation?" she asked. I let her know that $50 buys us a couple of cans of paint, we could also pick up some new paintbrushes with that. Maybe we're short of rubber gloves to stain with and her donation comes just in the nick of time. Maybe we could even pick up some stain with that donation.

For $100 we can pay the gentleman who lays the carpets in our house, the rest he donates. What a help that your $100 is then.

For $100 we can purchase a kitchen sink

For $250 we can get the family's front door

For $500 we can get the grass planted in their yard

For $1000 we can purchase the the blinds, the fans and the tile

It doesn't have to be a big donation to make a big impact on the families, the homes we build or our organization. Once you give, you're part of the family and we're grateful you've joined us.

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